Love the Bleeding Hearts. They bloom for weeks! |
It's raining again! The April showers will eventually bring out all my spring showers. My lilac bushes are so close to blooming. They are next to the front door so we will smell them every time we open the door.

It's been a busy week! First, I finished the binding on DS's batik Dresden plate on Tuesday afternoon before the guild meeting. That's one more UFO completely done and checked off my list!
I used washable Elmer's school glue along with my iron to hold the binding down on the back of the quilt while I used a decorative stitch from the front. It was so great not getting stuck by pins and I did it as one continuous seam. Here's a link to a Sharon Schamber YouTube videos about using school glue for binding.
After visiting the podiatrist, being diagnosed with bursitis in my foot (yeah, my foot), and getting treatment which included some new insoles, I have a spring in my step again. Oh - it feels so good. And, it spurred me on to get the T Block quilt to Cheri for some of her long arm magic.
Yesterday, quilty friends Joyce and Shannon and I traveled to Paducah for the AQS show. Well, we traveled to see all the vendors and our first stop was Hancock's of Paducah, which was soooooo crowded that we could hardly bare to shop.
We managed to do a little bit. I grabbed a Moda scrap bag comprised of 33 strips from the 3 Sisters line called Etchings. They're all selvage ends and seem to be about 2"-3" wide (about 2 yds?). I have a few cuts from this line so maybe a small project or two will come from this scrap bag.
And, the store must have received a lot of the Mini Tonga Treats (charm packs) in Pomegranate because these were $5.98. That's like 2 for 1 - so I bought two (about 2 1/4 yds total).
Since my queen bed quilt projects are getting finished this year, I have discovered how much heavier a cotton batted quilt is than a wool batted quilt! As in, my moving them around to finish the bindings.
So, I bought a Quilter's Dream Select Poly batt to try on yet another queen UFO that needs to get finished and out of my project boxes. I've heard that Quilter's Dream is like the Cadillac of battings. Have any of you used this?
At the show, we didn't buy much either. Last year I almost bought a pre-cut kit from John Flynn's booth. This year I did!
I got the Storm at Sea kit in blue, green, and purple 9" blocks to finish at 22x30. It's not the miniature kit. I'm calling this a half yard in stash report.
To the numbers:
Used this week: 0.5
Used YTD: 57.125
Added this week: 4.75
Added YTD: 47
Net used YTD: 10.125
Check out some more stash reports at Judy's Patchwork Times.
Have a great week!