Wheww!! Spring is gone and it's like summer here today. It may get below 80 degrees after midnight.
No big finishes this week. I've lost my mojo for finishing. I have two quilts to bind and picked up another one yesterday. Maybe it was the weather.

Yesterday was our sew day and I worked the entire day on chain piecing for Easy Street. I haven't worked on this in months, since I've been so focussed on finishing UFOs. It was so nice to sit and stitch. "Just keep stitch-ing, just keep stitch-ing."
This evening I have been finishing up about 40 more components and then I will be ready to start putting bocks together. Well, after I press them all.

Quilty friend Elise "cleaned out a closet" and brought some kits to destash. Of course, after seeing them all day, one of them had to come home with me! About 9 more yards!!
I chose something that I haven't tried before - a one block quilt. Cutting the same shape from strips of fabric shouldn't be much different than cutting all those little pieces in Easy Street from 2" strips.

A few days ago my May Flickr fabric swap package arrived. Since I went shopping for goodies to send my partner, they always want modern, then I guess I have to count these FQs in the stash report, too.
Arent' they pretty? Love the teensy zippers - perfect for little coin purses.
To the numbers:
Used this week: 0
Used YTD: 60.5
Added this week: 9
Gifted this week: 1
Added YTD: 58.75
Net used YTD: 1.75
Check out some more stash reports at Judy's Patchwork Times.