The only thing I have to report about my stash this week is that I was in the thick of it -- cutting strips.

Next week I travel to the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show (Bloomington, IN)and take a Pineapple Blossom class with Bonnie Hunter. I decided to use up lots of blue and make this a QOV quilt. So I have strips and squares cut for that project.
When I started to work on Easy Street, several pieces were running low. That's what happens when you don't count into the hundreds. So I spent about 2 hours cutting triangles with the Easy Angle and Companion Angle rulers. I think I might be done cutting for this one. This will be my leader/ender project in the workshop.
And in between, I took a teensy quilting break. Did some super easy SID on part of the sewing machine cover. Thought I would finish this up with some decorative hand stitches with white perle cotton.
And some quilting/applique on the Lollipop wallhanging. Instructions usually tell us to applique then quilt but this little cutie is constructed a bit differently (quilting before backing is added), and, it's a wallhanging so no one will see the back.
In the middle of the week I played with squares, thinking about making a sewing machine cover for my mom. I have a little drawing on graph paper and need to sew up some more of Grandma's squares.
Used this week: 0
Used YTD: 43.25
Added this week: 0
Added YTD: 19
Net used YTD: 24.25
Check out some more stash reports at Judy's Patchwork Times.
Have a great week!